I love ice cream sandwiches.I also can't be left unsupervised with them. Even the questionable-ingredient-list-rectangular ones from the gas station mini-marts. They are delicious. And maybe a little bit evil. And awesome. And yes, I'll even unapologetically plow through an entire box of those rectangular, frozen confections without a second thought. I love them that much. Don't even get me started on the fancy ones available all over the place now. Heaven. On. Earth.
A number of years ago I had a small ice cream sandwich business in Seattle, Washington. I had a small but deeply loyal following. It was fantastic. For a number of reasons that specific chapter ended, but Squish simply morphed from being a formal business venture into a place for me to play, and practice, and learn. Someday, Squish will emerge back into the light. Until then, you can find remnants of the old adventure here. And feel free to stay tuned... something's always simmering. ~ Jen (aka The Squish Witch) |